Friday, December 18, 2009


I am struggling with numeroues issues right now, trying to figure them out. About gay marriage, if it is anational problem? and is abortion a big deal? aqnd is pacifism the biblical way? etc etc.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Change

Everyone needs to change. Simply put change is diffucult. Below is a speech I am doing for Original Advocaacy for my debate club.

Jonas Weaver

What is the purpose of the teen years? Are they for partying and just relaxing and

slacking off? Or are they the time when teens can become lazy with what they do and

rebel against authority? I believe the teen years should be a time to impact culture, not mar it. Teens can be a great influence in society, but a majority is filled with a lack of willingness. In this speech I will cover three points. First I will cover how can be world changers. Second, I tell you how parents should help and finally, I will show you the biblical basis for this belief.
If teens wish to be world changers their attitude must change. Change is not something that comes easily. If teens wish to break out of the mold that society has set for them then they must be prepared to suffer for it, because they will be ridiculed not thanked. The world tells teens to be complacent but the Bible and God say differently. The question that teens should ask themselves is this. How do I become a world changer?
First teens have to look to God for help and guidance since we are only finite.
Secondly, teens need to look to the Bible which is our manual for being world changers.

There are many examples in the Bible of teens who did important things for God and changed the world. Look at David. He was a mere shepherd who was called to slay a giant and destined to become king. Then there was Timothy, who was like a son to Paul. He was still a teenager when Paul praised him for his faith and took Timothy with him, so that he could be placed as a minister in Ephesus. Finally there was Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was visited by Gabriel and told she would bear a son even though she was a virgin and knew it was physically impossible she said that she was the Lord’s servant. All three of these people were teens when these things happened. Teens now days need willingness and obedience like David, Mary and Timothy. Thirdly we need to read about dead people. Yes, I said dead people and it is so true. If we look at the lives of men and women in the Bible and history who have gone before us, we will find many examples of world changers. For example, the story of David Farragut. David was born in 1801 in Knoxville, Tennessee. By the age of ten he had begun his naval carrier. At eleven he saw his first battle, and by age twelve he was given command of a British ship and told to take it back to America. Well, the British captain didn’t take to kindly to having to take orders from a twelve year old so he decided he would try to rebel by going on deck. You see he was confined to the lower decks once the ship was captured so this act was merely a simplistic attempt at rebellion. Once David found out he told the captain to stay below deck or the next time he would be shot. .

Parents can teach their teens to be world changers. And they must do so. In the Bible it

say that fathers are to train up their sons in the way they should go(Proverbs 22:6). That

applies to all parents, fathers and mothers. Parents need to instruct teens because that is

their duty.

Here is how parents can instruct teens. First, pass on your wisdom to us. Pass on your

understanding of the world and what the world is like. Secondly, teach us to lend a

helping hand. Show us what it means to be a servant leader. Fathers especially since you

are the heads of the house and the spiritual leaders, teach us how to serve others with

willingness. Finally, guide us through hard books. Lead us through very deep theological,

Philosophical books and books on leadership. We need you to stand with us as we study

hard things. This is why parents must be involved. If parents are not involved then teens

are more likely to turn to bad influences such as drugs, alcohol, un-Christian peers and

secular “wisdom”.

I am certain many people have heard the verse, “ Don’t let anyone look down on you

because you are young.” (I Tim. 4: 12). Teens hear this and think, “I like this verse. It is

telling people not look to down on me, because of my age,”. Period. But few ever really read

on in this passage. It goes on to say, “ but set an example for the believers in

speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” I would call this the teenager’s call to

world changing. Paul is speaking to Timothy, who is like a son to him and is still

young. Timothy was a minister at the age of twenty and a strong influence to the elders

of the church in Ephesus because, of being an example in life, love, ffaith, speech and purity. People have every right to look down on us because we are young if we do not set an example. If we set the example of purity then we have every right to say don’t look down on me and think I’m impure just because I am young. We must do this with love and without any boasting. We all have the capacity of being leaders in our culture. We need spiritual growth before we can change the world. We all have the ability to fight the crowd and speak up. We all have the desire to do something worthwhile with our lives. The world tells teens they can goof off, but I believe this is not true.

In conclusion, I believe teens can be world changers if they are willing to to hear and obey God’s call, if they obey their parents and trust their parents decisions, and if they are willing to set an example in life, speech, love, faith, and purity like Timothy, there is no reason for anyone to look down on them because they are young.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20
Thank you.

THis is what teens need to do.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Hope Of Nations

This picture shows our hope in only CHrist. Christ died for us. Even as a a Christian that is unfathommable. That is beautifal. The only death that is beautifal is Christs death.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Walden by Thoreau

This books is sad because it is such a wacked out book. In it THoreau says that nature is God when it is not a being. When we see nature we see God's fingerprints.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Skillet: Awake

This album is amazing and well done. But I am not reviewing it i am, going to talk about one of the songs. The Song id called "MOnster".
This song telles us that we have a secret side a monsterous side that we hate. this hate is from the hate of evil.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Gift of Life

God has blessed us. Yes, we say this about our possesions and our friends and etc. But what we really should say he has blessed us for is for his uneding love for us and the fact that we are allowed to live in Christ.
In Romans it says we are baptized into Christ's death and then into his life. This is true. LEts just praise him for being able to live for him each day. Just go outside and Shout, " I LOVE YOU GOD, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Good News

I have started on an exegisis on Predestination, so it will be a little while till I can post it so keep your fingers crossed. Also it will come in parts and will not be one long post because I am doing an exegisis on Romans 8, romans 9-11, and Eph. 1:3-14

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Who is our hope? Whare do we find it? And what is hope?

Who is our hope?

2By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.( Romans 5:2 )
Are hope is in God's glory. Hope does not come from man.

24For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?( Romans 8:24 )
This ties in with the first verse, our hope is in God who is unseen.

Where do we find our hope?
In Christ our lORd and Saviour. Not in things that our seen ut that our unseen.

What is hope?

god is hope and love.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


It is slowly coming along

Thursday, December 3, 2009

" I LOve How Your Heart Breaks With Every INjustice."

THis si from the song Again by Flyleaf and it should be our view. Our hearts should break with injusticejust a little tidbit I though id throw out there.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This post is going to be quick so here goes:

I got the new Flyleaf CD
I am reasearching predestination for you people