on the new RA forum i started a discussion on abortion. but then one of the people interpreted a verse in Exodus in saying that it shows that the child is not an actual human before 20 weeks. i read the verse and it doesnt say that at all. how can some interpret the Bible to say abortion is okay. abortion is murder, murder is wrong.
and also when a woman or girl gets pregnant, we talk about womens rights but whjat about the man doesnt he have a say in if the woman should have an abortion? we're talking basic human rights.
the blog where God's message of love meets the page.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Where Is this world going

Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Please listen for a moment to the sweet sound of Death sharpening his sickle(not really but i can imagine that)
weird post title but it has to be this way, so im sorry if it disturbs you. its just that my life is happy, just saw NatM2,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Interesting Facts!!!!>>>>>>
Okay, who here actually reads the news? I'm guessing not many, maybe a few of you people. In fact I don't know why I continue to write my blog when only three people follow it and I think only one of them reads it. But, I feel it is my duty to get the news out, about things you may or may not know. The truth is it doesn't really bother me that not many people read my blog because it could grow. So tell all your peeps to check this out and follow!:)
So, the interesting facts that all you have been waiting for and some slighltly disturbing but true and interesting. Here they go:
1. So people you know how you here about teens that defect from Chriastianity now you are about to here something funny. Teens that are atheistic or from an atheistic home are know defecting to religion. Weird, hunh????
2. Okay who here has ever heard of the Katherine Ragsdale the minister. Well for those who haven't she said, "that abortion is a blessing", and doubted that Christ died on the cross saying, "it is an interesting theory that holds no water for me." But where is are world are nation going if we are allowing people like her to retain a position in the ministry if she/he belives these things. Are nation is turning into a liberal nation, far from what it was built on. I can understand why some people consider pastors as wolves in shep's clothes, if they here about this.
So, the interesting facts that all you have been waiting for and some slighltly disturbing but true and interesting. Here they go:
1. So people you know how you here about teens that defect from Chriastianity now you are about to here something funny. Teens that are atheistic or from an atheistic home are know defecting to religion. Weird, hunh????
2. Okay who here has ever heard of the Katherine Ragsdale the minister. Well for those who haven't she said, "that abortion is a blessing", and doubted that Christ died on the cross saying, "it is an interesting theory that holds no water for me." But where is are world are nation going if we are allowing people like her to retain a position in the ministry if she/he belives these things. Are nation is turning into a liberal nation, far from what it was built on. I can understand why some people consider pastors as wolves in shep's clothes, if they here about this.
Okay my life is normal... i signed up to be an apprentice at my church. Um.................i bought a $1300 guitar in Germany.
had my hopes shattered of seeing Public Enemies.
had my hopes shattered of seeing Public Enemies.
Monday, June 15, 2009
My adventures in the land of Germania.

First big thing we did was go to a pro soccer game, which was cool but im not a fan of soccer so diffrent for me, but still cool. The opposinf teams fans set off a smoke bobm which i found really entertaining, to say the least. i have to start listing the things we did out of order cause i cant remeber them in order, so bear with me.
We went to a high ropes course that was extremely cool, i passed the test but i couldnt climb the easiest one since it was so high, but i climbed the medium diffuculty one since it was shorter. every time we go to germany and we have to do anything with my cousins i ride in the older ones car since he likes heavy metal.
that was when we went to Oberhausen where my cousin lives with his girfriend, we stayed in her parents house, inside you could tell they werent guarding their money to much(they had records of new cd's!!!!!!!!)
Then me and my brothers had to suffer an 8 hour car ride to Bavaria, which is in the Alps. let me tell you to me the Alps are cooler than the Rockies(and ive been to both). we stayed at a B&B that was on the side of a mountain, which is right next to the national luge, and bobsled team training area. The second day we were in Bavaria, we hiked up a mountain since we were told that they held a church service up there, once a year(we got to the top only to find out they were having mass). we decided not to stay for the service, so on our way down we ran into my mom- we were all willing to bet against her coming up the mountain but she did-suprisingly.
we also did a boat tour on the Konigsee which is the cleanest lake in Germany. we then went to a salt mine, where you have to get in a suit and they take you underground for a tour, they have these really cool slides that you sit down on slide further down.
We also went to the Kehlstein house or the Eagles Nest, where Hitler lived for only 2 times, cause he had a fear of heights, its built on top of a mountain, i bought a book.
then we went to the castle at the top of the page, built by King Ludwig II in the late 1800's her are some pictures at the top of the page.
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