Sunday, June 28, 2009


on the new RA forum i started a discussion on abortion. but then one of the people interpreted a verse in Exodus in saying that it shows that the child is not an actual human before 20 weeks. i read the verse and it doesnt say that at all. how can some interpret the Bible to say abortion is okay. abortion is murder, murder is wrong.
and also when a woman or girl gets pregnant, we talk about womens rights but whjat about the man doesnt he have a say in if the woman should have an abortion? we're talking basic human rights.


  1. Umm, I don't think he got that from the Bible, I think he got that info from some other source and then coupled that with the verse to prove his point.

  2. i agree,abortion is wrong,God would never say to kill babies
    i am a girl,but i never ever wanna have babies,but if i do,i wont kill them,people dont kill them,cause they dont want to have babies,they kill them,cause they dont wanna take care of them,if they dont want a baby,they shouldnt do the process
    this conv. is really wierd,and disterbing,it makes me feel awkward:(

  3. ok we can end it but are you why-should-i-say?

  4. yes,i am,sorry,i didnt know it said that
    i fixed it
