The title of this post is weird, I know but it is so true. This is all based off one verse with other verses stemming from it. The key verse is Romans 6:1-3. This is from the Bible and it has Scriptural basis_Sola Scriptura.
Death is the ceasing of life and nerve impulses, by a physical standard. Spiritual death is death to sin, and that death comes from Christ being put onto the cross. Romans 6:1-4 asks us if we should continue to sin so as to increase grace? The answer is no. Romans 6:3 say we are baptized into Christ's death. And that then leads to life.
Not life from the worlds eyes but through God's eyes, What is biblical life? Matthew 4:17 says that the narrow road leads to lif. Life is following the narrow path, and searching for God. Christ chose us from the world, therefore doesn't that mean ".....That to be friends of the world is to be God's enemy."(James4:4) True life is being in the world but not of it, and pursuing God and God alone.
What Is True Love?
1 Corinthians 13 says that love is patient, kind,gentle etc. And the worlds view of love iks that one person can satisfy another persons physical, and emoitinal love. That is not true. Sex, is the worlds way of showing love, it doesn't work.
God gave a husband and wife the ability to satisfy eachother's physical love through the bonds of marriage. Romans 6:3 says that we were baptized into his death, and he died for us out of love.
True love is sincere, sincerity means to do things for others so that they are raises them up and benefits them. Christ did that on the cross, he died for us so that we could be lifted up to become heirs of God. And we benefitted from it by having acsess to heaven. 1 Corinthians 13:4 gives us the guide on how to have true sincere love.