the blog where God's message of love meets the page.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Start of Research
IM am starting reasearch for a post on predestination so cross your fingers. God Bless
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
To Gain Is To lose
A loss is a gain. God can ue our losses for amazing things. Yes, it may not be immediatly seen but it is there.
Friday, November 20, 2009
A Tell-Tale Heart
This short story is by Edgar Allen Poe but this post is not. THe story is about a man who murders someone and buries him under the floorboards. After the police come he hears the sound of the mans heart beating louder and louder until he confeses.
I was thinking about this when it hit me this is like real life. We sin and we try to hide from God, like Jonah but we cant. When we sin we feel guilt but we try to let it go and live out our life. We can't let it go. THis story was written by a man who was very wacko but it has such a relevant truth in it.
Confession is a problem we all struggle with. We can confess to God in private because it's just us and Him. But we fail to confess to people. I struggle with this and I assume you all do.
Like in the story your guilt will overwhelm you and will make you confess, if not you will be judged accordingly by our fair and loving God.
Just remeber:
Stay strong in the Lord/ Never give up hope/ You're gonna do great things/ I already know. God wants you to do great things but before we can we must take small steps such as confession.
I was thinking about this when it hit me this is like real life. We sin and we try to hide from God, like Jonah but we cant. When we sin we feel guilt but we try to let it go and live out our life. We can't let it go. THis story was written by a man who was very wacko but it has such a relevant truth in it.
Confession is a problem we all struggle with. We can confess to God in private because it's just us and Him. But we fail to confess to people. I struggle with this and I assume you all do.
Like in the story your guilt will overwhelm you and will make you confess, if not you will be judged accordingly by our fair and loving God.
Just remeber:
Stay strong in the Lord/ Never give up hope/ You're gonna do great things/ I already know. God wants you to do great things but before we can we must take small steps such as confession.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Finish This Race.
7You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?( Galatians 5:7)
It is a tragedy when you hear of someone who has abandoned the faith. But what we fail to see is that this question is the question we should ask them. If we ask them this it opens up a conversation with them so that they can explain themselves. Before we can help someone we need to understand why they did what they did.
It is a sad thing to see a fellow believer lose the faith. It is possible because Hebrews 6:4-6 says it is. But they can come back. that is the hope that we still have for them
It is a tragedy when you hear of someone who has abandoned the faith. But what we fail to see is that this question is the question we should ask them. If we ask them this it opens up a conversation with them so that they can explain themselves. Before we can help someone we need to understand why they did what they did.
It is a sad thing to see a fellow believer lose the faith. It is possible because Hebrews 6:4-6 says it is. But they can come back. that is the hope that we still have for them
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Pursuit.
I ran. I could not stop running. There was something behind me something I feared for some reason. Up ahead were the cliffs. If I could get to those I would be safe, or so I thought. As I turned around a bend I stopped. There is front of me stood the Hunter. With his bow poised and ready for action he took a stance. Pulling back the bow he let the arrow fly. As it flew I heard words. Words that stabbed me to the core.
I hated it and ducked. Why was the Hunter in front of me?
Then I heard it a the cruch of leaves under soft boots. The HUnter was still in Pursuit!
Run, I told myself but I couldn't move. The man at the end of the path spoke, blackness came from his mouth each time he spoke.
" Come with me fool and be eaten."
I could only shake mt head. The Hunter drew nearer still. Again this ... man spoke," Come you fool and follow me into the abyss."
He eunuciated the last word with a slur. Then he appeared, fill;ed with his glory an all. He stood there and spoke in a beautifal langguage. The man at the end of the path ran off.
The Hunter said, " Come and follow me."
No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day. John 6:44
God must pursue us before we can pursue him. This story is an allegory of this concept and how God saved us.
Do you feel God tugging on you to pursue him?
Is he pursuig you?
I hated it and ducked. Why was the Hunter in front of me?
Then I heard it a the cruch of leaves under soft boots. The HUnter was still in Pursuit!
Run, I told myself but I couldn't move. The man at the end of the path spoke, blackness came from his mouth each time he spoke.
" Come with me fool and be eaten."
I could only shake mt head. The Hunter drew nearer still. Again this ... man spoke," Come you fool and follow me into the abyss."
He eunuciated the last word with a slur. Then he appeared, fill;ed with his glory an all. He stood there and spoke in a beautifal langguage. The man at the end of the path ran off.
The Hunter said, " Come and follow me."
No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day. John 6:44
God must pursue us before we can pursue him. This story is an allegory of this concept and how God saved us.
Do you feel God tugging on you to pursue him?
Is he pursuig you?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Life On The Edge
We need to live our lives on the edge. No I dont mean to become adrenaline junkies or live on the edge of danger, such as drugs, and sex. I mean we have to live on the edge of falling off the worlds map. As Christians we are suppoposed to be shamless for Christ.
In one of his episitles, Paul says it is a blessing to be ridiuculed. A Blessing. Why are we so afraid to be true wairriors for Christ? Because we have a fear of ridicule. But Paul says it is a blessing. If that is the case then why are we afraid? Because we believe we should be neutral and complacent.
Neutralty is a CURSE to the Christian faith.
15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
This verse is scary. Scary. God is saying that he will Spit us out of his mouth because we are lukewarm. If we are complacent and neutral God will spit us out of his mout. How can this not be scary?
Of course you might say that this only applies to the Church of Laodicea, yes it does. But it also appies today. Each letter to each church is a stage in the church now. This letter to Laodicea is now. The church is becoming neutral and complacent.
I love reading about thjose fire and brimstone preachers. They got people scared and fired up. We dont need fear we need to be fired up. We need more of those people.
In one of his episitles, Paul says it is a blessing to be ridiuculed. A Blessing. Why are we so afraid to be true wairriors for Christ? Because we have a fear of ridicule. But Paul says it is a blessing. If that is the case then why are we afraid? Because we believe we should be neutral and complacent.
Neutralty is a CURSE to the Christian faith.
15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
This verse is scary. Scary. God is saying that he will Spit us out of his mouth because we are lukewarm. If we are complacent and neutral God will spit us out of his mout. How can this not be scary?
Of course you might say that this only applies to the Church of Laodicea, yes it does. But it also appies today. Each letter to each church is a stage in the church now. This letter to Laodicea is now. The church is becoming neutral and complacent.
I love reading about thjose fire and brimstone preachers. They got people scared and fired up. We dont need fear we need to be fired up. We need more of those people.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Submission To Authority: Living Out Romans 13: 1-7
1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Respect for authority lately has been an issue I have been struggling with. Mainly parental but yes there is some national level disrespect. I struggle because I know that these verses teach us about authority and that we are to honor them and respect them but I still fail to. I make anti-Obama jokes because he is a Marxist, see there I go again.
The last part hits me hard because he is God's servant and I owe him my respect and honor. I dont't like him but I have to love him. Not you are soamazing but a love of respect and honor.
I like the beggining of verse 4. It tells us he is here to do us good. That shows more proof for God working for the good of those he loves. THis is where I struggle.
1 Peter 2: 13-17
13Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. 16Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 17Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
We need to honor them and respect them, they are our leaders. We are to give them honor and respect. I can't stress this enough on myself and on you. We all struggle with this but we have to ive out. We have to be able to honor an respect our leaders or else we are rebbeling against God.
Respect for authority lately has been an issue I have been struggling with. Mainly parental but yes there is some national level disrespect. I struggle because I know that these verses teach us about authority and that we are to honor them and respect them but I still fail to. I make anti-Obama jokes because he is a Marxist, see there I go again.
The last part hits me hard because he is God's servant and I owe him my respect and honor. I dont't like him but I have to love him. Not you are soamazing but a love of respect and honor.
I like the beggining of verse 4. It tells us he is here to do us good. That shows more proof for God working for the good of those he loves. THis is where I struggle.
1 Peter 2: 13-17
13Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. 16Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 17Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
We need to honor them and respect them, they are our leaders. We are to give them honor and respect. I can't stress this enough on myself and on you. We all struggle with this but we have to ive out. We have to be able to honor an respect our leaders or else we are rebbeling against God.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Why Christians Make Bad Movies? Reason 3
Her is a the third reason. We fail to make good movies because we worry. Worry is something that everyone experiences but we should not worry. In Matthew we are told to not be afraid of those who can kill the body but not the soul. If you have been told by God to go and honor him by making a movie then just do it. If God is sending you in a certain direction he will Provide.
Like it says in the Bible, God works for the ones he loves. If you have been told to make a movie then he will give you the means. If you need funding he will supply it but first youy must put your full trust in him and him alone.
Brother Andrew was a man who came to Christ after being like the Prodigal Son. He felt like God was calling him to be a missionary behind the Iron Curtain. After a few years he felt like God was telling him to go to Russia. So he went. As he pulled up to the border checkpoint he placed some of the smuggled Bibles he was bringing in the open as a reminder to trust in God and "lean not on your own understanding."
This is the end of these three post and I hope that this helps you. Soon I will be posting some more worldview stuff and a post on .........................ELECTION a.k.a. Predestination
Like it says in the Bible, God works for the ones he loves. If you have been told to make a movie then he will give you the means. If you need funding he will supply it but first youy must put your full trust in him and him alone.
Brother Andrew was a man who came to Christ after being like the Prodigal Son. He felt like God was calling him to be a missionary behind the Iron Curtain. After a few years he felt like God was telling him to go to Russia. So he went. As he pulled up to the border checkpoint he placed some of the smuggled Bibles he was bringing in the open as a reminder to trust in God and "lean not on your own understanding."
This is the end of these three post and I hope that this helps you. Soon I will be posting some more worldview stuff and a post on .........................ELECTION a.k.a. Predestination
Friday, November 6, 2009
Why Christians Make Bad Movies? Reason 2
Becasuse we put little specifics on what is fair game to be filmedd about genere wise. Yes, horror wont work well but Christians tend to put blocks on what their film is about. It is about 2 things always:
1.) Person starts out bad and has salvation at the end.
2.) Great person falls and gets back up.
I hate to say this but these things can ruin a movie. If your movie is a sc-fi one and you put a huge salvation thing in it that has nothing to do with it the viewer will be confused.
We need to make movies that expand a little more. Well a lot more. But we have to be cautious when it comes to filming certain genres. If you decide to film a romantic comedy you have to be careful about premaritial sexual content. You also have to be careful about doublesided jokes. Or if you are filming an action movie you must be careful about sensualized violence or very graphic violence.
As a Christian filmmaker you must be aware of what you are doing at all times and not slack off.
1.) Person starts out bad and has salvation at the end.
2.) Great person falls and gets back up.
I hate to say this but these things can ruin a movie. If your movie is a sc-fi one and you put a huge salvation thing in it that has nothing to do with it the viewer will be confused.
We need to make movies that expand a little more. Well a lot more. But we have to be cautious when it comes to filming certain genres. If you decide to film a romantic comedy you have to be careful about premaritial sexual content. You also have to be careful about doublesided jokes. Or if you are filming an action movie you must be careful about sensualized violence or very graphic violence.
As a Christian filmmaker you must be aware of what you are doing at all times and not slack off.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Why Christians Make Bad Movies? Reason 1
The answer to this question is three things that tie into eachother.
1) Because we worry to much about the message and fail to pursue excellence in quality. Yes, our message should be true and God-honoring. Yes, it should not have nudity or anything that the Bible says is wrong but we should pursue excellence. In Genesis it say that tree's were created to be marveled at. Also the Bible says to do everything to God's glory. Do you think that having poor quality in anything is glorifying are God? He made us with excellence Hed also made this world with complexity, simplicty. After each day God said it was good. He is saying his creation is good. We are good, not morally(because of sin) but physically,mentally.
If we wish to reflect Gd we must pursue excellence to quote a preacher, " If excelence is on of the options then why settle for anything else."
We need to pursue excellence in any and every aspect. So in movies we must not worry so much about the message that we slack off in quality. We should make both of them with excellence.
1) Because we worry to much about the message and fail to pursue excellence in quality. Yes, our message should be true and God-honoring. Yes, it should not have nudity or anything that the Bible says is wrong but we should pursue excellence. In Genesis it say that tree's were created to be marveled at. Also the Bible says to do everything to God's glory. Do you think that having poor quality in anything is glorifying are God? He made us with excellence Hed also made this world with complexity, simplicty. After each day God said it was good. He is saying his creation is good. We are good, not morally(because of sin) but physically,mentally.
If we wish to reflect Gd we must pursue excellence to quote a preacher, " If excelence is on of the options then why settle for anything else."
We need to pursue excellence in any and every aspect. So in movies we must not worry so much about the message that we slack off in quality. We should make both of them with excellence.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Christians And Movies.
This post will certainly stir up some dissent among you people but it is a tragedy that is true. Christians make bad movies. IN the next few posts I will delve deeper into this issue.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Honoring Your Parents
Yesterday, I was notrespectful to my parents and it was wrong. The verses in the Bible that tell you to honor your parents mean it. Tie them in with Romans 13 you have a scary thought. In Romans 13 it says to honor the authorities because they have been instituted by God. Next, it says that if you don't honor the authorities God has put above you, including your parents, you are dishonoring God.
This is something our society hates. It teaches that teens are to rebel against their parents because it is "natural". Secondly, it hurts you and your parents. If you are disrespectful towards them then don't let your anger hold the whole day but instead apologize to them. I have had many instances and it has made my parents say things that are not true. And because of my disrespect they said things that made me fill like crap and made me start to hurt myself. Yes, I used to hurt myself. Not because of my parents but because of me.
God uses things you say and do towards your parents to mold you to him. If you are disrespectful he will discipline you because he loves you(Revelation 3:19). So go and honor your parents.
This is something our society hates. It teaches that teens are to rebel against their parents because it is "natural". Secondly, it hurts you and your parents. If you are disrespectful towards them then don't let your anger hold the whole day but instead apologize to them. I have had many instances and it has made my parents say things that are not true. And because of my disrespect they said things that made me fill like crap and made me start to hurt myself. Yes, I used to hurt myself. Not because of my parents but because of me.
God uses things you say and do towards your parents to mold you to him. If you are disrespectful he will discipline you because he loves you(Revelation 3:19). So go and honor your parents.
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