Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why Christians Make Bad Movies? Reason 3

Her is a the third reason. We fail to make good movies because we worry. Worry is something that everyone experiences but we should not worry. In Matthew we are told to not be afraid of those who can kill the body but not the soul. If you have been told by God to go and honor him by making a movie then just do it. If God is sending you in a certain direction he will Provide.
Like it says in the Bible, God works for the ones he loves. If you have been told to make a movie then he will give you the means. If you need funding he will supply it but first youy must put your full trust in him and him alone.

Brother Andrew was a man who came to Christ after being like the Prodigal Son. He felt like God was calling him to be a missionary behind the Iron Curtain. After a few years he felt like God was telling him to go to Russia. So he went. As he pulled up to the border checkpoint he placed some of the smuggled Bibles he was bringing in the open as a reminder to trust in God and "lean not on your own understanding."

This is the end of these three post and I hope that this helps you. Soon I will be posting some more worldview stuff and a post on .........................ELECTION a.k.a. Predestination

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