The house smelled of death, not of battle, but of sickness. The family did not know what to do, their brother had come home from the city and he was pale as death. They prayed to their gods, nothing seemed to work. Something had to be done, so they called the Shadow. The Shadow was the healer, if that is the correct word, yet the town of this family hated his kind. They were known to worship the Deepness. Nothing seemed to go right when a Shadow came.
He worked on the sick man but nothing changed. he asked if he could try a new technique, the family gave him the go ahead. What they heard from behind the closed door of their brother’s room scared them. It sounded as if a knife slid out of its sheath then a gurgle and sound of heavy breathing. Then it was over. The Shadow continued to work for ten more minutes, then came out and announced that he is dead. The family wept.
For three days the family and town mourned. The tradition was to put his body in a large coffin and then burn him, and when the time came to bury him, this family was not allowed to do so, since they had consulted a Shadow. They just buried him. Darkness covered the house like a cloak.
Three weeks later the grave was dug up and nothing left but an empty coffin. The sister ran screaming back home. Their brother was not dead.
Every other week they heard of deaths all across the land. With each death they found small puncture wounds on the arms and neck. The bodies were pale. At first they thought that their death had been cause by loss of blood, but there remained some blood in the bodies. They finally decided that they had died of blood loss and fear.
The mother, who had suffered deeply, was walking along the road at dusk when a rush of wind and black came towards her. She fell, shocked, to the ground. Her eyes were closed tightly in fear, thinking it was a dream. When she opened her eyes there stood a man in dark clothing. His face was as pale as death with bright red eyes, gleaming like fire. Fire that wanted to burn her up. He smiled. His teeth were white, two of which seemed to gleam slightly red. What was this creature?
HE knelt beside her and whispered, " Mother." a hiss in his voice.
they found her limp form on the road two punture wounds on her arm and one on her wrist.
This is a vampire story, the way they were meant to be, not like TWilight's, Kiss me sparkly Edward. Vampires are demons not heroes and i attempt to have an original story about them in this while still retaining their demonic presence. They are demons, and demons are bad. We have an unhealthy obsession with the supernatural, and we need toi change, and impact people for Christ and not demons.
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