Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Poem by a person in my online school

This poem really hit home with me. 1. because i am a former cutter. and 2. it sumarises all hope in Chirst.

Deeper Than Her Scars
Her story is covered
by long sleeves and bracelets
But sometimes people see it
Just in pieces and in bits
She’s tried so hard to hide
but sometimes they catch a glimpse
Of the history she’s written on her wrists

She’s carved it into her arms
Cause she could never speak in words
The pain expressed by scars
Why has nobody heard?
Why is it so hard to stay,
And so easy to run away from her?

Her torment never truly fades away
Every night she’s left here trying to pray
Trying to find herself…
But ending up with nothing to say
What should she do with what is left?
Do she even have anything left?

Jesus take her, hold her, hear her.
Draw her to the love you offer
show her when her eyes can’t see
that you have never left her
Let her press her hands into your wounds
and remember you bear what should be hers

She can’t move, she can’t feel
Nothing She’s faced even seems real…
But the numbness doesn’t own her
She’s not controlled by a knife
And even when she wants to give up on life
Jesus, you’ve already been there…

So when she’s desperate
When she’s struggling to breathe
But still pastes on a smile for the world
And still pretends to believe
When she struggles to express
What she’s suppressed for so long
Whisper in her darkness

Remind her gently saying
“I am stronger than your pain,
Deeper than your scars
Higher than your shame
Bigger than your guilt
Forgiving of your past
And loving you every day
just because I choose to.”

Jesus never let her forget
that your wounds are enough
and your scars run deeper than hers ever could…

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