Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama, Hate Crimes, and a Nobel Peace Prize?

Obama did not ddeserve the Nobel Peace Prize because he hasnt done anything yet. and he hasnt disarmed any nation of nuclear capability.
Hate crimes are not logical. Hate crimes are just an excuse to our free speech. All violent crimes are done in hate. This was a small rant sorry.


  1. Totally agree. The only reason he got it was because he is liberal and he's black. (That comment was not at all racial. It was factual.) He's everything the extreme liberals could dream for.

  2. I agree with this post. I couldnt agree more!

    And why is is that for some reason White People are the only ones who (apparently) have the capability to be racist?
    Why do the Liberal Media insist on telling us only the part of the story that sounds good to them?
    and Why do I always feel alone in this fight?
    and How can we, as Rebeltuionaries, make a Difference? I am sooooo angry over the Obama Administration, but I feel powerless.
    What is a simple thing that we can do to actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE!?
    Hard Things are possible!
    Please comment back...

    sorry, I guess I'm ranting too.
