Sunday, February 28, 2010

There is a hope

What is allowed in the worship of GOd? What are your thoughts?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

An Essay

The Fall of Hollywood Jonas

Hollywood. That name gives hope to some, entertainment to others and for others still, it is a life, a job. What few people see, is that Hollywood is one of the most influential mediums in our world today. It effects everything. Nothing is out of its reach. It is the monument of moral bankruptcy. It is probably the most successful industry when it comes to pushing forward perverse, and unbiblical ideologies. Now we have to ask ourselves what caused this? What started the cultural trend of excessive violence, and strong language, and sexuality on the screen for millions to see? This is what will be explained.
Brent Bozell, commenting on the show Nip/Tuck, said, “If Ryan Murphy is correct, and this is the direction "cool" TV is going, if this is "the future," then where will Hollywood stop? Where is the bottom of the barrel located, or is our desire for "fabulously lurid" entertainment a bottomless pit of nihilism? "Nip/Tuck" is not just a show that’s completely inappropriate for impressionable children to watch. It’s a show adults should be convincing other adults not to support. The sanity of our popular culture depends on our objections.”
This is such a true quote, especially the last part. So, how did Hollywood get this way? It became a pagan entity because of a man named Karl Marx, and a student of his ideology, Georg Lukacs. Both of them wanted to remove God from society. Guess what? It worked. Now we have a Hollywood that says dads are stupid, Christians are too fundamentalist and biased, and that love makes the world go round.
What started this cultural trend of inappropriate content in movies? My belief is that the first movies with violence in it for the sake of violence, was Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. This movie contains scenes of blood that before that time were not accepted. In some of the Westerns before this movie there was blood, but it was a bloody nose or something. Then there was Bonnie and Clyde, and The Birds, both of which either had a large amount of blood or in the case of The Birds, terrifying attacks from birds. These were the starts of excessive violence in movies, and the removal of strong Christian morals, that came with the feminist and Marxian revolution, and now in our modern day the atheistic revolution.
Sadly, we now see the fruits of those peoples’ labors. We live in a “counterfeit Reality” to quote Bill Jack. This is a sad truth. Why is this? Yes, I said it was Marx ad Lukacs, but what started them on this path? One word is an easy answer for this: Evolution. Evolution kills people, and removes God and ethics from the scene. Well, it keeps ethics, but they are relative to the individual. If you don’t believe it kills people, look at Columbine, The V-Tech shootings, and look at our movies. Our movies have sex outside of marriage, they have people being decapitated, and the language is just horrendous. This all comes from evolution. We remove morals that are instituted in God’s word and replace it with what we believe is correct. But how does it kill people? This is how it kills, not always physically, but spiritually and morally. Okay for example, you go to the theaters and you are watching the movie, enjoying your popcorn, when suddenly someone is decapitated. The blood is everywhere you see each little detail graphically. This is in your mind forever. It is basically “torture pornography” to quote a magazine on the movie Hostel. This is what evolution has brought us. We now have people killing people in reality and in movies, we have people in various states of undress on screen, and even better we have people flippantly taking God’s holy name in vain.
When it all comes down to it, Hollywood has turned into a breeding ground of sexual perversion, violence, gore, and swearing like a sailor. We see this in the first chapter of Romans, where God gives man over to three states of depravity. Number one is, Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
We see this in our modern Hollywood, as well as the second one, Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
This also is becoming more common on TV and in movies, most recently with Bruno. And finally Hollywood fulfills number three, Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

The third thing covers all that Hollywood is. As the first quote stated, our sanity rests on our objections. No one in our modern world protests, they approve of it. What happens to a nation when we support such brutal entertainment? That culture will die, literally and figuratively, because we will become a culture of all types of perversion. God help us. This is how Hollywood became, probably, the most morally bankrupt medium in the world. There is only one hope, that is that Hollywood will die and fade into nothing, and be replaced by an independent Christian film industry. There can be no reform for Hollywood, because none in Hollywood want to change it. It is the breeding ground of dissent and hatred. Why would we want to reform something so far gone? Go and change the world for Christ by praying for the fall of Hollywood from the culture sphere.

OKay the last part I 100% believe

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What is really real?

this is something ive been thinking about lately. is true reality what can be sensed by your five senses or is it alos the unsensable e.g. God, atoms etc.
we know atoms exist but what about God? i believ he exists because i believ there is evidence but is he really real? as in can he be literally known or heard?
what do you all think?

Random FActs: I wanna see Robin Hood, Alice in Wonderland. And i have almost solved a Rubiks Cube.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Go Back

" Believing in nothin is scary, Believing in something is scarier still." - Precursor~~Showbread

I cant figure this one out. What do you all think it means???

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Incarceron: A Book with Many an Interesting IDea

This is a nobel book and is very well written, and probably the most original fantasy novel i have ever read. Be warned the worldvies may seem slightly starnge.

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday: Truely the Entertainment Fiesta of all.

Our culture is bent on entertainment. It may be movies, CD's etc. but there is a problem with this. We live from the next moment to the next till the next time something of entertain ment is on.

We fail to see that this is not what we are here for. No, I am not saying its wrong to watch the Super Bowl, or anything but at least dont let entertainmment consume your life.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Movie Review: With Fire and Sword

I higly reccomend this movie if you have NEtflix. It is all in POilish and based off a book of the same name. It is about a man who falls in love with a princess, but another dude is in love with her. Poland is inturmoil and there is war. Some Cautions, this will look like PLuggedin's review system.

Positive Stuff

All the charecters are follwers of Christ and acknowledge him often. THe main character is staying faithful to the princess since she is his pledged wife. God is used alot

Sexuality and Nudity

There is one kiss at the end of the movie, and there is nudity at a distance of the princess but nothing is seen. There is also brief rear nudity of a man and boy who's clothes have been stolen. There is a bar waitress with a gown with a lot of cleavage. After conquering a castle there is an...orgie..if that is the right word, of sorts and a man and woman are seen together, no nudity and ver briefly.


Son of a b---- is used about five times. THe LOrd's name is taken in vain at least ten times, and d--- is used about five times. also the s-word is used at least three times.

Othe Negatives

THe charecters drink and smoke.


A man cuts three heads off and blood is seen and the heads fly. A character chops on a mans head and he is seen falling down a ladder with blood coming from his face. A MAn is hung. There is also a witch who is killed and then staked to the ground, and blood flies as she is staked.


GReat MOvie

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Short Story


The house smelled of death, not of battle, but of sickness. The family did not know what to do, their brother had come home from the city and he was pale as death. They prayed to their gods, nothing seemed to work. Something had to be done, so they called the Shadow. The Shadow was the healer, if that is the correct word, yet the town of this family hated his kind. They were known to worship the Deepness. Nothing seemed to go right when a Shadow came.
He worked on the sick man but nothing changed. he asked if he could try a new technique, the family gave him the go ahead. What they heard from behind the closed door of their brother’s room scared them. It sounded as if a knife slid out of its sheath then a gurgle and sound of heavy breathing. Then it was over. The Shadow continued to work for ten more minutes, then came out and announced that he is dead. The family wept.
For three days the family and town mourned. The tradition was to put his body in a large coffin and then burn him, and when the time came to bury him, this family was not allowed to do so, since they had consulted a Shadow. They just buried him. Darkness covered the house like a cloak.
Three weeks later the grave was dug up and nothing left but an empty coffin. The sister ran screaming back home. Their brother was not dead.
Every other week they heard of deaths all across the land. With each death they found small puncture wounds on the arms and neck. The bodies were pale. At first they thought that their death had been cause by loss of blood, but there remained some blood in the bodies. They finally decided that they had died of blood loss and fear.


The mother, who had suffered deeply, was walking along the road at dusk when a rush of wind and black came towards her. She fell, shocked, to the ground. Her eyes were closed tightly in fear, thinking it was a dream. When she opened her eyes there stood a man in dark clothing. His face was as pale as death with bright red eyes, gleaming like fire. Fire that wanted to burn her up. He smiled. His teeth were white, two of which seemed to gleam slightly red. What was this creature?
HE knelt beside her and whispered, " Mother." a hiss in his voice.

they found her limp form on the road two punture wounds on her arm and one on her wrist.


This is a vampire story, the way they were meant to be, not like TWilight's, Kiss me sparkly Edward. Vampires are demons not heroes and i attempt to have an original story about them in this while still retaining their demonic presence. They are demons, and demons are bad. We have an unhealthy obsession with the supernatural, and we need toi change, and impact people for Christ and not demons.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I hope Hallie doesnt mind, me saying this, but congrats.
Congrats for not wanting to be popular by the worlds stndards, and instead stick for CHrist. BEen an encouragement to me. THanks. Sorry if i embarrsed you. Every one check outher blog. IT IS AWSOME>